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othello was a tradgic play. it shows many different types of feeling inWithout Trust, Love Cannot PrevailTrust can be defined as assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something (Webster's 1246). In life many people are faced with the decision on who or who not to trust, especially in the realm of love. Trust is one of the main factors needed to determine a healthy, loving relationship. In William Shakespeare's Othello, the main character Othello is unable to trust his new bride Desdemona. In act one, scene three, Desdem the all the actsOthello, the central character of William Shakespeare's play is an excellent leader but a poor reasoner and foolish lover. The tragedy of `Othello' is largely due to Othello's personality and life experience. Othello believes himself to be loved and respected by everyone around him as most people refer to him as the "noble General Othello". Othello, after realizing his tragic mistake of murdering his innocent wife...

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