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The Waitress
(Melissa Nathan)

Set in Northern London, The Waitress is a story about young Katie Simmonds. Though ambition is one of her strengths, her weaknesses are committing to a career choice and a long term relationship. Katie has a poor history of both of these issues and this time is no different. Katie meets Dan at her former flat mates engagement party, but Dan seems to good to be ture. They end up going on a date to one of Dan's favourite restaurants, however Katie walks out of restaurant mid-date while Dan is in the toilets.
Unbeknown to Katie, Dan and his business partner plan to take over as owners of The Cafe where Katie works as a waitress while she decides what to do with her life.
It comes as quite a shock to Katie when Dan walks through those cafe doors, especially after that fateful night at the restaurant. However, Katie and Dan agree to call a ture for the sake of making the business successful, and Dan and his business partner decide to promote Katie as Manager.
After this news Katie visits her parents for the weekend only to discover that her mother is not in favour of this promotion. The situation becomes worse when Katie announces she wants to be a florist, after a customer at the cafe tells her there's not one single decent florist in the area!
When Katie returns to the cafe, she starts all over again in deciding on her career choice. Ex-boyfriend number three, Hugh comes back into her life, full of mixed emotions after his fiance Maxine runs off with the builder that was suppose to be building their dream home. He's hoping Katie will take him back!
Another occurance in the book is when Dan unexpectedly becomes engaged to his ex-girlfriend Geralding.
Other characters in this book are Sukie - Katie's co-worker who is also an out of work actress and has the agent from hell, while Katie's other friend and also her current flat mate Jon is desperately trying to break into the literary world. After finishing his manuscript, Jon gets the courage to find the agent of his dreams and achieve the success he deserves.
And Katie finally finds peace, love and happiness!

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