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My Secret Heart
(Samishii Suzume)

The first timeI saw your face

I told my eyes they lied...

Would God touch the earth with such beauty

That stars would run and hide?

The first time I kissed your lips

My tears flowed down in streams,

I trembled with the revelation

That I had kissed a living dream,

The first time thatI made love to you

I couldn't breathe for days,

Because love with you is so astounding

That it took all my breath away,

But I woke up Sunday morning

Alone, and full of gloom,

Since you left my life is dark

My house--an empty tomb,

I've searched for you forever

Please tell me where you've gone,

Because even one day without you My Love

Is like a year--too long...

...Samishii Suzume~...

From the Book, " My Secret Heart..." by Samishii Suzume, A Book for Anyone Who's Ever Been in Love, And for Everyone Who Wants to Be...

When one is truly in love, he does not speak merely from his mind?no matter how clever a thinker he maybe...

One does not speak merely from his lips?no matter how eloquent a speaker he may be regarded...

When one is truly in love, we find that he never speaks from the mere surface of his soul, but from the very depths of his heart...

In reading this book one finds thatwhat he or she holds inhis or herhands is not merely a 'book'. What you hold in your hands is the innermost part of a man in love. What you hold in your hands is the deepest part of a soul, drawn from the most earth-shaking time in a man?s life. The time when a man bares all, gives all, and dares all?for love. You hold in your hands the most intimate part of himself that a man can share with a woman.

You hold, My Secret Heart...

The author, Samishii Suzume, truly bares all in this book of powerful and compelling poetry.
The book is divided into five "Hall's".

The Hall of Friendship: Composed of Intimate Poems of Friendship....
The Hall of Romance: Composed of the most moving,enthralling and heart-stirring, Romantic Poetry...
The Hall of Adventure: Poems of Warriors and Princesses and Adventures...
The Hall of Celebration: Poems Celebrating the Influence of Our Dearest Loved Ones on our lives...
The Hall of Sorrows... For me I think that, next to the Hall of Romance, this, is the most stunning and earth-shaking Hall in the book. We've all felt the dizzying heights of love aswell as it's
heart-wrentching depths. Never have I seen a book of poetry capture such a journey and transition so completly and so thoroughly...

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


