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(J.R.R Tolkien)

"Silmarillion"J.R.R Tolkien's it is really an interesting and rousing book for fans an every mythologies.You can know practically everything about formation of anInland and all Arda,you can know also about lots of characters from "The Lord of the Rings"and "Hobbit"It relating fascinating stories of characters about what we cant to find any notes in that books.That stories are related with big an attention for the orgin of elves and people,becouse of that it resembles a mythology Greeksand Romanes.Unfortunately we cant to find in hier many stories about Hobbites and motif of a war of ring is show poorly.I can recommend that book all who are fascinated of Tolkien's world but I warning of difficult literary language and for moments it is hard to read it.

Resumos Relacionados

- Lord Of The Rings

- Unfinished Tales

- The Lord Of The Rings

- The Silmarillion

- The Lord Of The Rings

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