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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is simply more than a science fiction work; it?s a case of an author's imagination running wild. The hilarious result of the author?s imagination is what makes the book enjoyable and addictive. You will feel almost upset when you are done reading the book. The book is basically a totally different and humorous take on the universe, one that is bound to make you laugh rather than the usual gasps. It revolves around Arthur Dent, an earthling who escapes the destruction of earth. What follows from here is a hilarious encounter with whacky alien characters and a storyline with a small twist of its own. However, it is smaller details of the book which makes the reader want to keep flipping the pages. The descriptions given of everyday things like alcohol and towels from an alien point of view is truly hilarious. Douglas Adams has shown that it is possible to make funny storylines from subjects like space and stars. The book manages to give science fiction something it has always lacked, humor. On the down side, the wacky theories might make some people irritated because as the author meant it to be, its simply ridiculous. This is Douglas Adams? first of many later works. However it is this book that sets the tone for all the other novels. Truly a classic, it is compared in the same breathe as Catch-22 and other humorous classics. With only around 180 pages, it fits well with all kinds of readers. It?s also a good book to give to someone who wants to develop a habit of reading. Douglas Adams has created more than just a best seller, he has made characters that are memorable and funny.

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