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The Need Of A Master
(girija iyer)

The need of a MasterThe presence of a Master or ?Guru? is inevitable and indispensable if one wants to attain progress in spiritual life. Without a Guru, you will be just like an infant left to fend for itself. However the Master himself will receive his disciple only if the Master himself desires so and not otherwise. The Guru is extremely compassionate and profoundly patient towards his disciple.A disciple or the ?Sishya ? has to stand the test s of the Guru before he is accepted whole heartedly by his teacher. The behaviour of the Guru might sometimes be baffling and annoying to an ordinary person. But the real seeker is so immersed in his Master that he experiences mirth even in pains inflicted to him.The real Master is like a concerned surgeon who operates on his patient so that he gets relief from the pain that he is undergoing. On the contrary if he were to postpone the surgery due to pity on the patient, then it is very likely that his patient?s life will be in peril. So also the true Master out of profound compassion and kindness sometimes displays anger and a stern attitude towards the seeker so that he rectifies himself at the correct time progresses towards his goal, which is the ultimate truth.A real Master has the welfare and progress of his disciple above even his own needs. In fact the Guru never differentiates himself from the seeker. He is ever ready to steer and uplift his Sishya. For this he initiates his disciple to the chanting of sacred ?Mantras? which when repeatedly chanted will purify the heart of the seeker. Eventually there is a tremendous change in the mental structure of the seeker, who will also try to become the replica of his Master. Gradually the ego will be completely erased from him and he too will become an embodiment of compassion, kindness and divinity. Ultimately the seeker becomes one with God and realises His True Self. Now he experiences eternal peace and joy. He infers that he is a part of the whole universe. He can now see only himself in all the creations of God. He understands that nothing in this world is separate from him.

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