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The Purpose Driven Life
(Rick Warren)

This book is a book that should take you 40 days to read.
Everyone that is born into this world has a reason to be here. God knew you before you were ever even concieved in your mothers womb. God put you on this Earth for a reason and it is up to you to find out your purpose. This is not a self help book. This book wont give you your purpose for being here. This book will tell you who can help you. God Created you for his plan. God has an alsome plan for you. God has a plan for you here on Earth and in the afterlife. This book is like a 40 day map that will make you sat back and think about some of your lifes most important questions. Then it is up to you to come up with the answers. Have you ever asked yourself, "Why was I ever born?" Then imagine getting the answer! You would then have a road map to your future. You would not be so worried about the future. All of your decisions would be so much easier. God knows your future and He will reveal your future to you if you just take the time to listen. The most important thing in your life to plan for is eternity. God will even help you with that plan.Its like God will make out a blue print for you, If you follow the directions that God will give you. This book will tell you how to find out the answers from God by giving you over 1,200 scriptural quotes and references. This is a book that you will wont to read over again and also tell other people about.

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