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The Origin Of Chinese Family Names--"qian"

"Qian" was from the family name "Peng". It was the name that came from the governor's job title. In Zhou Dynasty, there was a governor in charge of finance. His job title was "Qian Fu Shang Shi". So he got the family name "Qian".Famous people in family "Qian": Qian Yuan (887-941) , the king of Wuyue empire; had great achievements when he was controlling the empire; had more than 1,000 poems in the history.Qian Yiben (1539-1610) Yi Scientist of Ming Dynasty, from Changzhou of Jiangsu province. He was a big governor and was fired by the emperor. He was good at Yi science and taught in Dongling college with Gu Chengxian.Qian Qicheng, one of the best foreign minister in PRC.Most located: Pengchengjun( now Xuzhou city),Xiapijun of Jiangsu province, Wuxinjun of Zhejiang province

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