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Horror In The Woods
(Gregory Ross)

Horror in the Woods By Gregory RossNo one dared venture down that road. People said it was haunted by the spirit of a man who hung himself from a tree along that road. The road was thus named "Kali Sadak"(black road). Pitch dark as there was not a single streetlight on that narrow road which ran through a canopy of trees. people who used that road had similar stories to narrate. They all said that as they went down the road they heard a sound from the back, when they turned around they saw a bald man clad in white clothes run after them.
It so happened that one day my friends and I were at a get together when suddenly two of our friends ran in the front door screaming GHOST!!! We finally managed to quieten them down and asked them what had happened. "Kali sadak Kali sadak" is all they said. So a friend of mine and me decided to go and check out what was on that road that people were so petrified of. We rode down on an old scooter which didn't even have a headlight. Pitch dark as it was we rode down using the indicator light. Suddenly I heard a sound behind us, I screamed "Faster you bastard there's a GHOST behind us". I looked back and saw this scary looking bald man chasing us. My friend slowed down the scooter instead of speeding away. We finally came to a halt. My friend got off the scooter and went up to the so called ghost, caught him by the collar and started lambasting him. The ghost finally managed to escape.
The next day my friend took me to the local market and showed me the same man who chased us. It was all a hoax, the guy scared people to death who fell and injured themselves and then he would help himself with their valuable and money. So finally the horror in the Woods had come to an end.

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