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(Jane Austen)

Write your abstract here.Persuasion is a good piece of work by Jane Austen. It portrays class rigidness, love and longing for love in ones life. It also describes two spinsters who are totally different in their nature and personality. It is a known fact that wealth makes a person to feel that he is superior to everyone. So, does Anne's elder sister thinks. But a thoughtful person like Anne is not tilted towards materialistic things. She has her own values. But it seems that she is unfortunate in some cases. she lost her love with Frederick Wentworth as she was persuaded by her mothers friend. Its very easy to lose but difficult to achieve. The same is the case with Anne. She lost something which she could never forget. So, sadness prevails in her heart which makes us the readers , spell bound as love is something which does not have description, knows no limits. It is like the vast expanse of the sea. Even if in such situations a person is not treated properly,. all the more if he is treated as a servant , what more tragedy could life bring. So, I find that persuasion i.e is force can never result into a good decision. Decision is something which is to be made independently and follow one's own heart and mind. Because atlast it is you who have to suffer. Persuasion is a book which gives a lesson to everyone and to hold our possession firmly because losers may not regain their asset in future. The story also shows Anne's helplessness.It was Jane Austen'slast book. But it portrays people in black and white. their are no conflicting ideas in their nature. A clear picture of their nature is portrayed and the story is very simple and it seems to be very realistic.

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