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Your First Child (maternity And Pediatrics)
(Sáez Paz, Ernesto)

The things you want to know and you don't dare to askBook of initiation for first mother, written by an experienced Pediatrist that worked in Clinics inside London and The United States. He answers to all doubts related to the every day of baby's life, like phisiology, medicines, nutrition and different problems. It is an excellent manual, with a lot of information in 280 pages, with an attractive look, maybe with not many illustrations and they are black andd white, besides all that, it is a great adquisition for any future mom.Chapter 1, Prepare for your first baby: Theoric and practical preparation. *The best start beginning for your baby. *Choosing a Pediatrist and its first consultings. *What you need to buy for your newborn. *Temperature inside the house. *Preparing to your other children for the newbaby's coming. *Grandfathers. *Domestic animals. *Breastmilk. *Labor and delivery. *Choosing baby's name.Chapter 2, Baby's Birth and first moments. *Childbirth risks. *Childbirth methods. *What happens inside the delivery's room. *Reanimation. *Babysitting method.Chapter 3, Newborn's first care. *Info for parents. *Child care in hospital. *Exploring the baby. *Metabolic birth defects. *Prophilactics methods. *Deffending against visitors.Chapter 4, Baby's first month. *Physical apperience. *Behave. *States of conscience. *Sense, smile and movements. *Attachment. *Weight and height measure. *Nutrition. *Signs of alarm and risks.Chapter 5, baby care basics. *Baby's sleep. *Baby's crying. *Bathing and dressing. *Urine and depositions and diaper's changing. *Skin, nails and hair care. *Umbilical cord. *Help baby care. *Going out with baby. *Safety. *Does the baby need a hat? *Pacifiers. *Attendings. Chapter 6, Variants of normality on newborns. *Variety of skin, mouth, head, genitals, extremities.Cahpter 7, Minor disorders. *Delivery injuries. *Harm to the baby's eyes. *Muguet. *Dermatitis caused by diapers. *Seborrhea. *Hiccoughs. *Gases. *Burps and regurgitations. *Liquid depositions. *Constipation. *Sneezes. *The flu. *Coughing. *Jaundice.Chapter 8: Special cases. *Preterm. *Newborns underweight. *Twins. *Blood type. *RH Incompatibility.Chapter 9, Baby's feeding: Natural or Artificial. *Advantages of breastfeeding. *First milk. Correct attitude and preparation. *Techniques. *Special circumstances.Chapter 10, Artifitial feeding, *Artificial baby's milk feeding. *Differences between breast milk and cow's milk. *Industrial preparation. *Disadvantages with cow's milk. *Preparing a baby bottle. *Tecnique of artifitial's feeding. *Mixing Human and artifitialn milk. *Scheme of the first year feeding of baby's life. Chapter 11, Suplements. *Water. *Vitamins. *Iron. *Fluor.Appendix 1, Feeding during the first year of baby's life. Appendix 2, Immunization Schedule. Appendix 3, First-aid kit for travellers ang home. Sáez Paz, Ernesto. Your first child. 2ª. ed. Madrid: Edit. Espasa Calpe, 2003.

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