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Train To Pakistan
(Khushwant Singh)

Astory set in the turbulent late 1940's when India was on the bringe of division. division of land that left thousnads dead and a feeling of animosity that can never get undone. What Train to Pakistan does is give the reader a beautiful love story with the backdrop of communal violence. And surely the backdrop becomes more important and lively than the main story.

Singh's story telling is so pictorial that you can see the sun rising, the cattle in grazing grounds, as also hear the azaan in a local mosque and prayers in a temple. Of course you won't miss the sound of the first train that crosses the village. The train to Pakistan.

The points that Singh succesfully manages to bring forth are that no one in particular was responsible for the mass murders, rapes and atrocities(in one word), every one was to blame but the poor people.

The book also rings a though for how politics is so consequential. It travels deep in lives of those who don't have a clue about the game.

A must read. A must read for all those Indians who hate Pakistan and all Pakistanis who hate India.

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