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Love Story
(Erich Segal)

What one expects to find in a book titled as Love Story? Obviously a love Story but this one is little different. The book shares with us a beautiful love story of two individuals, who inspite of being very different from each other fell in love. The story takes you with itself and makes you laugh & cry with the characters.Oliver Barret, our boy hails from a family of 'rich & famous?. He hates his father & loves the bloody sport of football. Whereas our girl, Jennifer Cavilleri, is from a family which is neither rich nor famous. She deeply loves her father & is fond of music & arts.It is very surprising how two so much different individuals can fall in love with each other.The character of Jennifer is very admirable. She is very cheerful & cooperative. She made a lot o sacrifices before & after the marriage. Before marriage she sacrificed her dreams of being taught by Nadia Boulanger & visiting Paris. After the marriage also she had to make a lot of sacrifices. She had a very good nature. She wanted everybody around her to be happy. She was always trying to resolve the difference between Oliver & his father.The story brings tears to the eyes of the reader as it ends. This is because as the story starts proceeding towards a happy end, one like ?they lived happily ever after? type, a tragedy strikes. The tragedy is that Jennifer dies in the end. After reading this a book question always pinches the mind why every immortal love story has a tragic end.

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