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Not Just Living (the Complete Guide To Creating A Business That Gives You A Life)
(Mark Henricks)

Some people do not want money or promotion etc., but they want to adopt & live a life style of their own, on their terms. In this way, we can remove those things, which we do not like, & then concentrate on areas, topics, products, people & works etc., which we like. In this way we have more freedom of working. This is also a way of making a living, along with a responsibility of managing ourselves. Business has lot of scope to affect our life style. It is not necessary to sacrifice our life style, happiness & pleasure, for the sake of earning money, by continuing to work with unpleasant & difficult environment, people, colleagues, bosses & customers etc.
This book is based on experiences & interviews of several entrepreneurs & author's own research, & it addresses the life style issues. In eleven Chapters contained in three parts of the book, the author discusses various aspects of this topic, including whether we are a potential life style entrepreneur. It provides lot of examples & inspiring information, as a guide to entrepreneurship. It is for us to use this information in the best possible way. In one of the important Chapters, the author discusses as to how & why, we should exercise our right to lifestyle entrepreneurship. In this style, we decide about hiring the employees, choosing suppliers for making purchases, customers for selling our products, banker, legal adviser & other consultants etc., as per our own wish. However there could be some limitations like equal employment opportunities, availability of only a few vendors & customers ability to pay etc. It is wise for us, to limit the number of people around us, & instead of taking full time employees, we should take them as temporary, part-time, by employee leasing, internship, outsourcing or even take help from family members. In case of partnership, it is necessary to first talk everything, & then to record it in writing, duly signed. Some customers are not easy to work with, do not pay in time, do not explain their requirements clearly or do not cooperate otherwise & hence we should choose our customers carefully. Above all, the author gives a list of questions, our answers to which, will help us in determining the best arrangement of working with our people. This book is a practical guide to entrepreneurship. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for us. It is for us to identify what we can do, want to do, love to do & then plan & do it in our own way, successfully & satisfactorily.

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