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Alternative Therapy To Hyper Tension
(Sai mangala)

If Mars in an individuals chart id affected high blood pressure and hemorrhage occurs. In Indian Mythology it is the planet of aggression. In a persons natal chart if Mars is malefic he is more prone to develop High blood pressure. If mars is afflicting lagna the person will have aggressive temperament .He easily develops, anxiety    and anger, which leads to development of high blood pressure.
   If malefic affect of Mars is more predominant on the person hemorrhages may occur.  Mars causes constriction of smooth muscles of vessels and disruption of endothelium and hemorrhage. Muscles, male hormones are reprented by Mars. If a person?s natal chart indicates malefic effects of Saturn, we can predict calcification of vessels, and fibrosis of the vessels. Vessels loose their elastic contour and become fragile.
 Saturn is a symbol for stagnation fibrosis.
Malefic effects of   Saturn causes calcification of blood vessels, and blood vessels become rigid and lose elasticity, thus blood pressure is increased.  Saturn further causes stagnation of blood and clotting. Emboli may develop later.
Gem Therapy Using appropriate gemstones depending on the person?s chart nullifies Saturn?s effect and malefic effects of Mars.
Red Coral: Red coral represents Mars and it absorbs harmful rays of Mars surrounding that person. The gem should not touch the skin of the finger. A shield should be arranged behind the gem while preparing the ring.
Blue sahire: In astrology blue sahire represents Saturn. Saturn?s rays are concentrated in blue sapphire. Blue sapphire absorbs Saturn?s rays surrounding the person .It act like an umbrella and protects the person by absorbing the surrounding malefic rays. It should be prepared with a shield behind the gem in a ring. So the body won?t absorb the rays.
Water Therapy
Drinking 1½ liters of water early in the morning improves elasticity of blood vessels, removes toxins and waste products.
1½ liter should be taken at a time within a span of 5 minutes.  After water is taken, the person should not disturb his intestines for ½ an hour by doing exercises or defecating and he should not eat or drink any thing for an hour.  By doing this, water goes deep into tissues and cells, and cells become rejuvenated (water depletion in the cells only causes accumulation of waste products in the cells and in between cells.), and elasticity can be regained.  With this, skin texture also improves.  Obesity can also be reduced by this technique.

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