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How To Be Good
(Nick Hornby)

Nick Hornby is one of those authors whom I have heard alot about whilst never having read any of his work. Whilst in NorthLondon a few weeks ago visiting family I was informed in a matter of fact tone- Nick Hornby lives on that street. This must have planteda seed in the lower reaches of my mind for a few days later I picked up a pristine copy of "A Long Way Down" (now safely dispatched to a local charity shop) and then a short visit to my local library to pick up a much more world-weary copy of "How to be Good".

I wanted this book to be Good -it was good. Not in the realms of the hyperbole spouted on the back, front and inside cover but just good. And that is what I found most grating. Hornby I feel has retreated into a middle-class comfort zone and he seems unwilling to raise his head above the parapit and have a look at the modern landscape.

I was somewhat sceptical of his telling the story through the eyes of 40 something doctor Katie Carr. There were too many moments when I felthe really was saying "hey look at me I am so in touch with my femine side aren't I clever". Well no not really, wether you are staring at your own navel or someone elses, it's still just a bellybutton (and both innies not outies).

The male character and husband to Katie Carr is David. They are in a loveless marriage and granted some of the descriptions of the special kinds of tortures that unhappy couples design for one another are intriguing, but the torture transfers to the reader when we have to continually be the sounding board for prolonged introspection.

To cut a too long story short things in the marriage get shook up, first by infidelity on the part of the wife and a 'conversion' on the part of David percipitated by the introduction of "free-spirit" DJ Goodnews. DJ Goodnews presumably represents some lurking alter ego butI think he should have remained in the shadows. It's all too staid and obvious and lacks the bite that may once have propelled Hornby into our collective recognition.

One reviewer indicated that "Eating, drinking and bathing- all took second place while I was reading this book", I fear for his/her wellbeing if these basicsof existence and civilisation are so easily relegated. I would imagine they're continually on the point of starvation.

Resumos Relacionados

- How To Be Good

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- About A Boy

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