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A Hummingbird
(Paul Muldoon)


I was in a library in Ireland recently and picked up a copy of Tatler i.e. London and
was surprised to find a poet writing in a glossy magazine intended for
us Dramatic Persons and writers ... I read on and found that the poet
was Paul Muldoon.

I was amazed at how interesting his poem was ... but continued to read the fashion
pages as that is the primary audience of the Tatler not famous poets or academic
gentlemen of letters. I leave their writings to Academic Papers and Publications
at Universities at home and abroad.

Last night, I was reading my webmaster and again what do you think popped up
on the Pop Up but the same poet ... Paul Muldoon. This time I read a bio
on his .. career and life. He was raised in Ulster Ireland/Northern Ireland and
is a great friend of the poet Seamus Heaney ... name dropping if you ask me,
however, I read on.

Paul Muldoon was born in the 1950s and is a Professor in America at
Princeton University ... he has won the Pullitzer Prize for Literature in
America, a very prestigious prize it is and I read a lot about these prizes
in my web pages from my American Publishers. Its seen as a great
asset to have a Pullitzer Prize Winning Writer writing for these publishers
of mine in America. They wax poetical on this very subject.

Well, to continue ... there is no doubt Paul Muldoon is an excellent poet
and writer altogether. He speaks on a recording on the web and seems to
beholding forth to his class of students. I found it amusing to pick up
certain threads of his academic flow ... such as he referred to
the word "Roundabout" which in the UK is a road exit and entrance, which drivers drive
around and you can exit out to wherever you are heading. I have one up the road
a stone's throw from me and it is called Chilworth Roundabout, Chilworth is a
village close by.

Paul Muldoon asks his students to discuss ROUNDABOUT and they must all
be foreign or American, because they dont know what a ROUNDABOUT is ...
he goes on very amusingly to tell them in no uncertain terms. I found this
oral presentation on Paul Muldoon's Poetry highly entertaining and most amusing.
There are other gems, especially when references come up to Mid Ulster and
Policing, seems to be Muldoon's current hangup, not mine.

I read a few lines of Muldoon's poem ...HUMMINGBIRD ... and it is delightfully
poignant ... the first few words read as follows ... "Nora's divorce" ... and
"Labor day bash" .. I note the American spelling ... ours is much better ...
and contains the "u" letter ... i.e. "Labour" as in "Love Labours Lost" ... William Shakespeare great play! I am something of a dramatist myself ... and poet ..

I wonder if Muldoon will marry Nora off to a second husband .... its all the
rage here in England. excellent listening and reading ... excellent stuff ...

Resumos Relacionados

- Poetry Review

- University Writers Club

- Linenhall Library

- A Poet's Blessing

- Tatler

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