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Art Of Questioning

One guy comes into a restaurant on the beach. He asks the waiterfor a steak. The waiter asks himwhatsteak would he prefer red meat or white. The guy says it doesnt metter. After the staek was surve and the guy was already eating, he asks the waiter what steak he got. The waited said its white meat. The guy, in replay, shoved the plate away, left theplace and jumped out of a 10 floors building and died.Arewe breathing? or may godblow inside us?Does god needs our prayers?Howdoes the cow knows how to change the weed into milk, and thetaurus doesnt?Do we think? or does thoughts run intoour mindUnconsciousness?Can a mad man explain madness?Can the brain analyze thought process?Can a jew eat a white steak in heaven?

Resumos Relacionados

- Cookbook:carpetbag Steak

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