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Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands
(Jorge Amado)

DONA FLOR AND HER TWO HUSBANDSIt is the story of Floripedes Paiva (Mrs.Flower) a young, lower middle-class cooking teacher in Salvador, a city in the northen state Bahia, Brazil. She was married to Vadinho Guimarães, a promiscuous, ne?er-d-well gambler, who has a sudden, premature death during a carnival. Even though he always exploited her, DONA Flor is devastated with his death since he was her source of pleasure and spiritual fulfillment with his zest for life, enjoyment for her fine cooking and also for their uninhibited lovemaking. She had defied her family and friends to marry him despite of being modest and almost shy by nature. She feels that her life has ended with his death.Maybe enticed by the spices of her food, Dona Flor finds herself, in a short time after Vadinho?s death, emotionally and sexually venerable. She does her best to repress her sexual desires finding it inappropriate to a grieving widow. ?Only a shameless woman, without love for her husband, could think of such disgusting things ? how disgraceful!?As her erotic fantasies persist, the more she tries to dispel them, the stronger her neurosis persist and she begins to perceive ?disgusting? interpretations in everything she sees, reads and does. So, although outwardly she appears to be content with her life of celibacy, she decides to get married to Teodoro, a middle class, very serious and reserved man.Of course he is not the substitute for her pent-up sexual frustration and Vadinho continues in her life as a ghost that fulfills the part that she is missing in her marriage. She has the comfort of a good provider HUSBAND but full of inhibitions and a free, hedonistic sexual life with her former, corrupted, poor ?ghost? husband.

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- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

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