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Love Of Capitu
(Fernando Sabino)

Fernando Sabino tells in its workmanship a narrative in third person of the romance of Axe of Assis, Dom Casmurro. In such a way the narrative evasivo of the workmanship of Assis is interpreted, as well as Capitu, for the reader, increasing, thus, the mystery regarding the incognito of the infidelity of Capitu. Rio De Janeiro, November of 1857, gives beginning in the period where the two still child sófrem with the eminent separation, since Blessed it must go for the Seminary on account of promise made for its mother when it is born. Opposed, it arrives at the promised place, the principle to try it to it vocation, even so Cabral Priest did not see in it religious inclination. The extreme protection of the mother, Jose Dias and Justina cousin, finishes for becoming it a unsafe boy and drifter, what later ?casmurro? would transform it into one dominated by ciúmes. In the Seminary Escobar knows, who if shows friend, friendship who will take the destruction of its marriage with Capitu.Capitu, safe, determined girl, with its ?look of cigana that the devil gave to it?, in this workmanship is interpreted as the victim that did not obtain or perhaps had not made effort to prove its innocence. It grows the girl, one becomes woman, each time next to Owner Glory, mother of Blessed, with it also grow its feelings for it, that they are recíprocos.Dona Glory orders to call Blessed pressas for having a very high fever, and fearing the death. When arriving Bentinho he finds Capitu, that is felt happy for reviews-lo.Depois of period as seminarista, won the reason, Blessed was to the studies, in the same way Escobar leaves the seminary to work with negotiation of coffee. Capitu finds in Escobar great friend, who made intermediary of the letters of Bentinho and Capitu, beyond the proximity established for the affinity that the young woman had for Sancha, considered almost its sister.Capitu marries Blessed later that it form in Direito and Escobar with Sinhazinha Sancha, the couples ripens the relations of friendship, since they are seminary colleagues and better amigas.Escobar and Sancha they have a son, to who gives the name of Capitolina, while Bento and Capitu give to its son the first name of Escobar, Ezequiel. Bento enxerga marcantes similarities between its son and its friend, whom afogado.Em dies the velório, the famous ?eyes of undertow? of Capitu, described in Dom Casmurro, is confused by its husband that sees it as unfaithful woman, to the eyes of Bentinho, it seemed the proper widower.Thoughts of ciúmes and diffidence mainly after stun Blessed to attend alone a part of theater, whose subject is traição.Tomado by unhealthy its ciúmes, Blessed decides to order Capitu and Ezequiel for Switzerland, ía and came of there, the trips was for deceiving the alheia.Capitolina opinion dies in Switzerland, Ezequiel, of Tifóide Fever, in Jerusalém.Bento with its introspective personality, starts to only live, ?casmurro? and amargurado, remoendo referring Biblical tickets to ciúmes gives to beginning its autobiográfico book.

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- Dom Casmurro

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- D.casmurro

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- Capitu

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