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My Utmost For His Highest
(Oswald Chambers)

Are you someone who truely wants to know God, someone seeking to truely feel that connection with Christ, to know He is real, then there is no question that your daily meditation book should be "My Utmost For His Highest".

Oswald Chambers, like David, is a man after God's own heart. He reveals, thru his words, that a personal relationship with Christ must win out over religious tenants.

The Christ of Oswald comes alive, as he unravels the teachings of the /bible in laymans terms. From the moment
you open this book you begin to know Jesus on a new and deeper level. Although it has been almost 90 years since his death, the words in this triumphant meditation are as imperative today as they were then, if not more.

Whether you are a new believer, a long time Christian still seeking to iknow Christ, I urge you to allow the words of Oswald Chambers to unlock the secrets to a new relationship with Christ. Dianr Kenyon

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