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Christianity And American Freemasonry
(William Whalen)

About 2,100,000 American men belong to the Masonic order, the largest and oldest fraternal society. Another quarter of a million meet in the lodges of the predominantly black Prince Hall Masonry. Some Masons take their membership vey seriously. They attend meetings of their Blue Lodges, collect additional degress in the Scottish and York rites, read Masonics books and periodicals , and try to internalize the principles of the Craft.Others, the great majority in this country , joined the lodge for business or social reasons and rarely if ever participate in Masonics activities. Freemasonry sets no attendance requirements such as those in the Rotary or Lions clubs; a\Mason may be be intiated , pay his annual dues, wear a Masonic ring or emblem, and never darken a lodge door for decades.The Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and many Protestant churches also take the lodge seriously, so seriously that a\Catholic who joins the Masonic lodge is said to be in a state of '' serious sin '' and may not receive the Eucharist . For hundreds of thousands of men, Freemasonry prescribes a specific philosophy of life , and the churches will not trivialize the lodge by suggesting that a Christian can remain a Mason provided he does not take his Masonry seriousy .Masonry deserves to be judged by it's basic principles and by it's dedicated members, not by the majority who give little thought to the religiou aspects of the lodge

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