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One Little Sin
(Liz Carlyle)

An heiress challenges an aging playboy to take responsibility for his illegitimate daughter after her mother dies. Alasdair Maclachlan was a gambler, a womanizer and an unrepentant scoundrel. As the eldest son of a minor Scottish baron, Alasdair had learned long ago that luck was just another name the foolish assigned to those too lazy or impatient to play the odds. Fortune favored the bold. Alasdair gave little thought to the future until the day the Hamilton sisters (twenty-two years old and twenty-two months old respectively) arrived on his doorstep. Esmee Hamilton was practical, pretty and poor as could be. After her mother died, her stepfather disowned her and her baby sister. Since her own father was long dead and her only other living relative was taking an extended tour of the continent, Esmee had no choice but to call on the father of her half-sister. She demanded he take responsibility for his child.Alasdair did not remember the late Mrs. Hamilton, but the baby did have his eyes (and his temperament). Having no experience as a father, Alasdair concocted a simple, if unconventional solution. He would hire Esmee as a governess for her half sister. The babe was too young to care and Esmee was willing to ignore the whispers as long as she got to stay with her sister. Married three times (though never for love), her mother had learned to put her head over her heart and taught her oldest daughter to do the same. Passion was well and good but love had little to do with marriage, at least as far as society was concerned. Privilege brought responsibilities. But Esmee was a romantic at heart. Even if he was her half sister?s father, the rogue was handsome (and stubborn) and charming (and irresponsible) and rich. Three out of five is not bad.

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