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The Reliquia
(eça de queiroz)

The relic is initiated with a presentation in which the narrator is the central personage of history, Teodorico Raposo, searchs to explain the reader what it took it to compose the memories of its life. It affirms, first, that the main justification is in the fact of in such a way it as its brother-in-law, Crispim, to believe that its memories lock up ?a discerning and strong lesson?, being deserving, therefore, of immortality that literature propitiates. The narrative will be centered in a trip made for Teodorico to Egypt and Palestine, then after a loving disillusionment, trip this that promoted significant changes in its good and its moral. Not wanting to give to its story a form of ?traveller's guide?, it will count, ?with sobriety and sincerity?, the cases that had provoked the changes in its life. However, he has one another objectivo for the writing of its memories: to promote a correcção in the book that its douto friend, Topsius, friend in that trip, writes on Jerusalem. In this workmanship, ?walked and commented Jerusalem?, Topsius he affirms that Teodorico led inside of two bundles of paper that had folloied it in the trip ?remaining portions of its ancestor?. Worried about what the Bourgeoisie Liberal pensará dele, já que só através dela se conseguem "as coisas boas da vida", Teodorico deseja não só corrigir a obra do amigo, mas também esclarecer seus concidadãos do conteúdo dos dois pacotes.Ainda que a narrativa se centre na viagem à Terra Santa, Teodorico escreve suas memórias relatando-nos toda a sua vida, desde a história do encontro de seus pais, até o momento da decisão de transformar suas experiências de vida em literatura.

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- A Relíquia

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


