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The Tao Of Physics
(Fritjof Capra)

In this book Dr.Fritjof Capra displays a deeper and profound understanding of Eastern mystical traditions Viz.Hinduism, Buddhism,Taoism and Zen. This book has been translated into more than a dozen languages.
Capra's classic explorations into the interconnectedness between modern physics and Eastern mysticism commandsgreater credibility by virtue of the author's intellectual background as a leading theoretical physicist with a Ph.D.

Capra has presented a comprehensive account as to how Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics presented a vision of a dynamic and expanding universe replacing the earlier Newtonian comology of a highly mechanistic universe functioning under the rigid laws of gravitation. He explains how the Dance of Shiva is a magnificent mystic symbol of the subatomic structure of this universe.

Many more insights lie in store for the readers to get enlightened and enriched; since each one of us is an infinistimial part of this grand universe, understanding the grand paradigm of the universe is understanding one
SELF in a much more deeper and profounder level

Sundara Bharadwaj

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- The Tao Of Physics: An Exploration Of The Parallels Between Modern Physics And Eastern Mysticism

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