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Lysek Of Ida Board
(Gustaw Morcinek)

By the mine entrance there lasted a confusion. A group of miners attempted to move a horse into a lift. However the terrified animal didn't internd to make any move towards lift doors. The miners became more and more confused and impatient. Finally, one of them hit upon an idea to cover horse's eyes and give the animal a bundle of hay to smell.Familiar scent of meadowland and gentle voice of miner Kubok broke horse's resistance in the end. In Kubok companythe animalwent down to the mine. There was to be a new home for the horse, whomminers called Lysek. He was beginning to work on Ida board. A way to that place led through verynarrow drift, in which any railway enginewith wagons didn'tfit, thus it had to be pulled by a horse. There was no problem with gentle-natured, obedient and very clever Lysek. He befriended with the rest of miners with ease, and he greeted them joyfully every time they came to his stable with horsy delicacies - sugar and bread. Anyway, his best friend was still Kubok, his minder and partner. Kubok liked the horse much and he cared of him well. Every morning they worked together, and then the miner cleaned the horse, gave him water and food. The man talk to the animal, joked to him and even quarrel with him at times. Lysek answered back to him with his neighing and wisdom look of his gentle eyes. The horse had another good friendapart fromKubok. It was a little gray mouse. The little animal accompanied him when miners went back their homes and families. She used to help herself with Lysek's oats and she wasn't afraid of the horse at all. Kubok told about Lysek not only the miners, but also an engineer's servant - Dorothy, whoworkedin the mine too. Dorothy gave Kubok bread for thehorse, which was divided between Lysek and the mouse. The horse was a friend of all miners. One dayan event took place which made Lysek Bartliczek's enemy. The miner came to a stable someday and he gave the horse bread like usually. However this time he filled it with bitter tobacco just for fun. Lysek bite Bortliczek painfully inman's arm and spitted tobacco out. Kubok painstakingly observed horse's eyes, which wasordered by an inspector of mine who was to be informed immediately when there appeared some signs of dullness. SomedayKubok discovered the sad thing. In Lysek's wisdom eyes there was a mist - the horse was going blind. Kubok immediately informed the inspector abot horse's illness. In spite of all miners' good intentions the horse couldn't be led out because a lift ruined. The inspector and Kubok could only wait for rebuild of drift. When Kubok noticed that railway was broked he decided to repair it, but a wall crushed him. He was terrified and he began to call for the horse. Lysek didn't let him down. He saved him in the very last moment. The miner had his two ribs broken, but he was alieve thanks to the brave animan. As a reward for saving man's life, Lysek was took out of the mine.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Life Of A Small Girl

- Horse, Follow Closely

- The Horse Called Wonder

- Blind Beauty

- The Horse Whisperer

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