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City For Ransom
(Robert W. Walker)


City for Ransom and its sequel coming out March 27th is a new series from the highly acclaimed, award-winning author of the Instinct and Edge series (both of which were translated and published from the original English to Japanese). While author Robert W. Walker has typically produced forensics novels, his new series explores the gaslight era of police and crime detection, at a time when blood spatter evidence did not exist, a time when blood could not be traced to any individual, and a time when DNA had not even been conceived of. The Inspector Alastair Ransom series begs the question, "What did the police do before they had reliable detection sciences to back their play?" How was being a detective in 1893 Chicago with the World's Fair at its zenith different from our modern CSI detective? How were interrogations carried out? How often was the wrong man put away? How often did someone get away with murder? What was it like to be a suspect held in an interrogation room in 1893? What was it like to be a medical examiner then, a surgeon, or worse a female surgeon? Were such unscientific methods as phrenology and the size of a man's brow enough 'science' to put a man away for life or to hang a man?

In a heavily, well-researchd, yet dramatic account of the exploits of Inspector Alastair Ransom, City for Ransom and Shadows in the White City (Avon\HarperCollins books, NY, 329 pgs., paperback originals\Amazon.com) all of these questions are pursued and answered. Book #3 in the series, City of the Absent, is underway.

Robert W. Walker is the author of over 40 novels. To learn more about Robert go to www.robertwwalkerbooks.com or his blog at www.robertwwalker.blogspot.com

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