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Haunting Olivia
(Janelle Taylor)

A former teenage mother returns to a small town where she encounters the father of her child and the baby she thought was dead. Olivia Sedgwick was the original golden girl. She was an heiress with beauty, brains and personality. Ever since her mother had successfully sued her father for child support, her parents had little to do with each other or the daughter they had created. Her narcissistic mother made sure that Olivia had everything that her father?s money could buy. She saw her fatherfor two weeks each year at a cottage in Blueberry Maine along with her two half-sisters. That was the extent of quality family time for Olivia as long as she could rememberuntil the summer she turned sixteen. Then she met Zachary Archer who made her feel special and sexy and sophisticated. Then, he got her pregnant. Her parents were united for the first time in years when they decided to send Olivia to a home for unwed teenage mothers, make her give the baby up for adoption and never see Zach again.William Sedgwick had a gift for making people see things his way. To his competitors, he was a shrewd businessman; to his many lovers, he was a generous paramour. But to Olivia and her two half-sisters, he was a lousy father. He treated his daughters like trophies, especially Olivia, the oldest whom he intended to leave his empire. But she defied him by falling in love with the son of a mechanic. If certain competitors learned the truth, that William Sedgwick?s oldest daughter had a child out of wedlock, things could get awkward. So the baby had to disappear. It was strictly a business decision. Will told Zach that Olivia thought he was a punk who had ruined her life and she never wanted to see him again. He paid the doctor to tell her the baby was stillborn. Then he arranged for Zach to adopt the baby girl. Now William Sedgwick is dead. He has left Olivia an undisclosed sum of money, if she agrees to spend 30 consecutive days in Blueberry Maine. Reluctantly Olivia agrees. But even from the grave, her father likes to control things. Zachary Archer still lives in Blueberry; along with the baby she thought was dead. Zach thinks she abandoned him and their baby. Her daughter, Kayla, has been suspended from school. The cottage in Blueberry has been vandalized. Someone left dead rats on the porch and a note in the ruined bedroom. GET OUT! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE! Olivia Sedgwick let other people tell her what to do when she was a teenager. That did not work out very well. The residents of Blueberry are about to be subjected to a Sedgwick style reunion.

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