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Educator Of The Future And Reconstruction Of The Knowledge
(Pedro Demo)

SUMMARY OF THE BOOK: EDUCATOR Of the FUTURE And RECONSTRUCTION Of the KNOWLEDGE. This BOOK all brings a renovadora vision of the paper of the inserted professor in the educational context mainly focusing the learning of the pupil. Peter Demon makes some reflections that teach-learning considers excellent for the process. It speaks that the school is the most important way for the KNOWLEDGE construction, is in, that our brain is stimulated to work with the knowledge that we previously possess to frequent an institution pertaining to school, however, this process will only get success if the pupil really to understand the subject and its importance, in way that it can become an integrant citizen not only, but also interactive. Author standes out that he is not possible to promote learning in classroom if the professor will not have total domain of the content, without needing to appeal constantly in the didactic books that present ready and only answers for the exercises, also affirms that: who studies with who never does not study will learn to study. Demon says that the didactic book suppresses the voice and the inquietudes of the pupil not leaving to disclose the citizen that we want. The power of the didactic book as truth speech, emphasizes the content the distanciada one as an exercise of reproduction and not of formation and/or creation. Then it speaks that she is necessary to provide ao pupil activities that they make possible to stimulate its reasoning, bringing the activities more close possible da reality do educating. Peter Demon also makes a significant classification of nine basic requirements so that the professor constructs the profile of the professor of the future, it must be: 1) researcher; 2) proper formulador of proposal; 3) capable of for in practical the theory and to teorizar the practical one; 4) "permanent" brought up to date in its knowledge; 5) to also perfect itself in the technological ways; 6) one becomes to interdisciplinar; 7) it must have mestrado; 8) engaged with the citizenship; 9) Professor of the future is that one that he knows "to make" the future. These are novate them requisite presented for Peter Demon to form a professor of the future, and base its theories saying that: the societies had made future that they had known to think, the societies that they had known to produce and to use in intelligent way the knowledge energies, the autopoética versatility of the learning, the indocilidade of the education.

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