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Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief
(Rick Riordan)

Too many fantasy stories have an excess of too-perfect characters, andreal-world adventure stories a tendency to be, nonetheless,unrealistic. In 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' Riordan skilfully blends the two genres as ADHD Percy has to come to terms with the act that the mythology he learns at school might be a little closer to the truth than he really thought, although apparently the gods have moved Olympus to the top of the Empire State Building. Nowadays Chiron trains young demigods at the Camp Half-Blood over the summer, and this is where Percy lands up.

Soon enoughhe finds himself consulting the oracle and setting out in quest -- complete with his magic sword Riptide, which becomes a ball point pen when sheathed. After all, he's already overcome the children of Ares when they tried to stuff his head down the toilet.Percy sets off with his best friend Grover and Annabeth Chase -- wholeaps at thechance to leave Camp Half-Blood. Percy may not get on too well with Annabeth, but she's the most experienced camper and her help can hardly be refused.

The story weaves togetherthe epic quest of two demigods and the slowly growing friendship between two kids. There are plenty of funny moments -- such as when Percy and Annabeth find themselves riding the Boat of Love at an abandoned water park!
This abstract was checked by WhiteSmoke Solution. Learn More.

Resumos Relacionados

- Percy Jackson And The Titan''s Curse

- The Lightning Thief

- Percy Jackson E Os Ladrões Do Olimpo

- Os Heróis Do Olimpo - Os Diários Do Semideus

- O Ladrão De Raios

Passei.com.br | Biografias


