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You For Real?
(Kevin O'Brien)

As it pulled up Phille noticed that it was still the same as ever, old and rusty with deprived tires that were in desperate need of air. He was the last one to get on, he was trying to delay the process as long as possible. When he finally did step on he nodded at the driver. Old Charlie must have benn driving this bus since well before Phille was born, his skin was now so wrinkled that it was hard to make out what his face looked like when he was young and with glasses as thick as his Phille wondered how it was possible for him to get a driving license. Phille turned and bustled up the isle between the seats with the other four. He looked at the faces as they went by each one looked at him in a way that said ?oh god he?s back? he knew that a lot of those faces wished he would have left school over the summer. He seen Thomas Dunlop sitting near the front, he was desperately trying to avoid eye contact with him, Thomas must have weighed a good fourteen stone easily and had bright red hair. He was a prime target for Phille and his friends. As Phille went up passed the faces he relised that everyone was a prime target, once they didn?t hang around with him or his friends. Anyone who was remotely quiet or tried to do well in school would soon be paying for it. Then he saw Paula who was already holding back tears with a brave face. She was quiet and was always getting straight A?s and Phille was aware how hard, him and the rest of the lads made life for her. For five years now they have tortured her every morning, lunch and afternoon in school and on that bus and she just keeps on coming back for more. Phille walked by and wasn?t surprised to see that she didn?t even acknowledge his existence, instead she just stared at the back of the seat in front of her with glazed eyes. Phille reached the back seat and noticed they had saved a seat for him beside Larko. Phille sat down reluctantly, and as he did an echo of ?all right Phille? was all he could here. He swung his head round to all the lads nodding and mumbling ?all right?. They were all so awake and full of energy as if they had been sleeping all summer, Phille just wanted to get up and sit down the front where it was quiet. But he was aware that was unheard of, if he got up and sat down there he would become one of the people he spent years terrorizing. Larko went on to tell the lads about all the girls he had slept with over the summer, Phille was certain some of the names sounded made up and couldn?t help notice that Michelle was turning red as the conversation went on. No doubt she was involved in Larko?s summer festivities in some way or another, she had developed a nasty reputation for that sort of thing. Her and Tracy looked like twins, both of them were very attractive, both had par oxide blonde streaks in there dark brown hair and both had there school skirts altered to make them as short as possible, which they have fought an ongoing battle with the teachers of Strawberry Hills secondary school over. Phille noticed for the first time how much make up they wore, it looked like they were made from some sort of clay. He wondered what attracted him to them in the first place. ?What did yis do to Paula?? Phille asked Larko as his story seemed to come to an end. ?Aw ya missed it man, she was getting on the bus and I told her I?d fuckin kill her if she moved from her seat that?s why she is sittin so close, so I can keep me eye on her, it was fuckin hilarious, the lads have been callin her a fat bitch since and she hasn?t blinked!? He was tryin to hold back the laughter as he told the story. Phille nearly threw up, his stomach turned at the lack of consideration for another human being. ?But she just sits there anyway what?s the point in it?? Phille wanted to punch Larko straight in the face but knew he couldn?t. ?Ah, you should have seen the look on her face, she was scared shitless, in any way me and the lads have a bet on to see who can make her cry first?. Phille was rattling inside, he didn?t know what was stopping him for lashing out there and then. It was just another typical morning on the bus.

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