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Chronicle Of A Death Foretold
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

27 ños later, the narrator tries to find answers to the death of his friend, Santiago Násar being based on the testimonies of his well-known ones. The mother of Santiago, Placid Cisneros, related that the tragic day, his son left the house to receive the Bishop, great popular event, they received entertainments and banquets. But that time did not lower of the ship and from it blessed there to the crowd. Santiago, young person of 21 years, great dominion of the arms, Arab characteristics like its father fallecido;heredó a property "El divine Rostro" that it administered. When they killed it the people of the town were warned by those who were going to commit such crime, nevertheless, nobody came up to him since they thought that the supposed assassins would not do and other that Santiago already knew it. The binoculars, Pedro and Vicarious Pablo, threw the fault to him of to have stained honors it of their sister: the night of weddings was given back, when his fiancè, Bayardo San Roman, found out that she was impure. Bayardo, boy of thirty years, before arrived at the town months with the purpose of looking for one esposa.La knew Vicarious Ángela and it fell in love, not only tried to conquer it with gifts but that her family convinced so that they accepted it like his husband. Ángela, did not wish to commit itself with him, but the family prevailed, since he was a good low party and they of recursos.Asi were that she had to accept. To the four months they married. It loaded with all the expenses and the wedding was made in the house of her like was tradition, also borrowed the neighboring houses since it was a great popular event. Santiago, Christ Bedoya, the own narrator, his brother and the own twins festejaron together until the dawn Before marrying, Bayardo convinced a widower of Xius name so that it sold a house to him in the hill. When finalizing the wedding took to Ángela there and verified that he was not virgin. She knew what she was going to him to happen if account occurred, nevertheless, did not want to pretend as their friends had advised to him. Immediately she accompanied it until his house and she gave back it. When her mother saw the torn clothes, she gave a great beating him and she called to the binoculars. One of them asked to him who had dishonored it and she answered that it was Santiago Násar. When the brothers heard the name of Santiago decided to clean honors it and to kill it. They took two knives and they were directed towards the seat. Before they told all that that crossed which would be its feat but no took them into account since they had good reputation. Clotilde Armenta, the owner of the dairy, said that they waited for the goodbye to them of the Bishop, they did case to him and they seated to hope. Clotilde, meanwhile sent a pordiosera to warn the house of Santiago, but when this one told the cook, she did not believe to him. The binoculars in front of the seat had left a time in the warehouse that it gave to the house of Santiago. They had to go until his house to look for other two knives since the mayor had taken off them. They hoped again in the warehouse and when they saw that Santiago left the house of its fiancèe, Flora Miguel, crossed the seat and they intercepted it in the fore door of his house while her mother saw everything from the window without being able to do nothing. She herself had closed with key the door thinking that his son was inside and out of danger. Christ Bedoya, a friend who came with Santiago minutes before, wanted to prevent the tragedy but he did not manage to find it before. Once assignment the crime the brothers Vicarious was given and the rest of its family went of the town, until the married sisters left the place. The father died shortly after. 23 years after this tragedy, the narrator, cousin of Ángela he obtained an interview with her in a distant village. There, she told that finally she had fallen in love with the man who left it planted the night of his wedding, wrote thousands to him of letters that he did not open until a day appeared to remain with her, brought a valise with letters without opening and the same clothes of the day that knew it. In the town always one doubted that Santiago had been the one who dishonored it. One said that it hid to somebody and that she named it thinking that they would not dare to kill it. The narrator also had doubts in the subject since he knew it well, did not keep secrets since they were friends. It knew that it had an official fiancèe, Flora Miguel, and prostituta of the town maintained relations with one as well. Also, Ángela was not the type of woman whom it liked. The death of Santiago was an announced death, hoped; all knew something of certain way except him, who not even knew the cause of his death.

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