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Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
(J. K. Rowling)

A fantasy novel. Hidden away from our mundane, everyday world is a second world--- the world of witches and wizards, the world of magic. The story begins with young Harry Potter, a newly-orphaned infant, being placed in the home of his horrible Muggle (non-Magic) relatives, the Dursleys, by a witch and a wizard. Ten years later Harry, who thinks of himself as an ordinary boy, finds out he is in fact a wizard when an owl delivers a letter from Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry. After a trip to Diagon Alley to buy his magical school supplies, Harry sets out for school and finds friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and an enemy, Draco Malfoy. At Hogwarts he finds out about his past--- he's famous in the wizarding world, since the evil wizard, Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents was mysteriously defeated when he tried to kill Harry, leaving Harry with a scar on his forehead. Harry discovers he has a natural talent for playing Quidditch, a wizard sport played on broomsticks. He also finds a mystery--- a mysterious object being hidden at the school. Some one, Harry discovers, is trying to steal the fabled Sorcerer's Stone--- an object which brings wealth and immortality. Some one that may well be Voldemort, the evil wizard who killed Harry's parents. No one will believe the words of Harry and his school friends that the Stone is in danger. So Harry and his friends must face the danger on their own. This is the first book in the very popular Harry Potter series.

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- Harry Potter And Sorcerer's Stone

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