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Two To Conquer
(Marion Zimmer Bradley)

This novel follows the fortunes of Bard di Asturien, bastard son of a noble lord on the planet Darkover. Sent into exile, Bard becomes a warrior, a general who could conquer kingdoms. He is limited only by the fact that he is only one man. But Bard's father, using the half forgotten matrix science of Darkover, can fix that. Paul Harrell was a criminal, condemned to living death in a stasis box for his crimes. Matrix science, unknown in Paul's world, pulls him out of the stasis box to the world of Darkover. There he meets Bard di Asturien, a man who is his exact duplicate in looks, personality and ambition. Paul quickly agrees to the plan that he be trained to impersonate Bard, to create a general who can be in two places at once. Bard realizes his ambition, but telepathic contact with Carlina, a woman he has raped, shows him what a horror of a man he has become. He resolves to change, to turn away from his wars of conquest and to embrace Varzil the Good's peace compact. But then Paul comes to his mind--- a man with ambitions identical to his own. For the Good of Darkover, can Bard allow Paul to live? This book is one in Marion Zimmer Bradley's fantasy/science fiction series set on the planet Darkover.

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