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(The Holy Bible)

The Book of Psalms is probably one of the most popular and most widely read books of the Bible. Structurally it is a collection of about 150 prayers written around the time of King David. Although most are attributed to King David himself, scholarly investigation indicatesthatsome psalmsmay have been written by others during his reign. Since David was a musician, many seem to be in the form of songs or poems that may have been put to music. Their popularityamong readers throughout history may lie in their practical aplication to everyday life. These prayers express the full spectrum of human emotion in relation to God. There are psalms of thanksgiving and praise, psalms of intercession and supplication, psalms seeking protection and guidance, and even psalms seeking revenge and destruction for one's enemies during times of trouble and persecution.In it one finds aconfluence of imagery, poetry, lyricism, philosophy and general reflection on the human condition. Strucurally the Psalms have been arranged in groups so that praise psalms follow one another, intercessory psalms are somewhattogether and so on. However,some psalms, especially the longer ones, may have allelements described above within themselves. There are especially thosepsalms that may seem to start out in pessimism and desolation,and thenwork through the author's emotonsto end upultimately with aconclusion of faith and hope.For anyone interested in mans search for meaning or extraordinary literary expression The Book of Psalms is required reading that can provide an endless resource for reflection and ins

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