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The Secrete Of Happiness

We run from one side to another in hope of finding the key to happiness... Wehope that all that torments us solves up with magic. We think that life would be different if only we were happier. And so, some leave home to be happy and some return home to be happy... Some marry to be happy and others get divorced to be happy... Some made expensive trips to be happy and others work really hard to be happy.... An endless quest. Years wasted. Never the moon can be reached with the hand, the fruit is ever green, the wine is never good enough. Shadows, tears. We are never fully satisfied. But, there is a better way to live! From the moment that we decide to be happy, our quest for happiness is over. At this moment we understand that happiness is not being wealth, having a new house, a new car, a successful career or someone. And is never for sale. When we can't find satisfaction in ourselves, is useless to search somwhere else. Whenever we depend upon other things beside us to have joy, we are doomed to depression. Happiness has nothing to do with achievement. It consists in satisfying ourselves with what we have and what we don't have. Few things are necessary to make the wise man happy and any fortune would make the unsubmissive satisfied. The needs of each of us are scarce. While we have something to do, someone waiting for us, something to long for, we will be happy. Let you know that the only source for happiness is inside you and should be shared. Sharing joys is like spreading perfume over the others: some drops always end up by falling over you. On the incertainty of tomorrow... enjoy the today, to be happy!

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- Enjoy Every Moments Of Happiness.

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