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Tribulation House
(Chris Well)

Have some fun with the Rapture and the Mob with this amusing book. Main character Mark Hogan has a great life. A good job, a loving family, a position on the board at his church. But all he really wants is a boat. He has his eye on a new Bayliner 192, but he just can't afford it. But when his pastor, the Reverend Daniel Glory, starts preaching about the End Times, Mark Hogan gets an idea. Reverend Glory has been preaching about the Rapture--- the supposed event in which all believing Christians are caught up into heaven and everyone else experiences the horrors of the Tribulation. The pastor claims he knows for sure when the Rapture will happen: Oct. 15th, at 5:51 am. Mark Hogan is convinced. He decides to enjoy life while he can, and borrows money for the boat he wants--- from the mob. There's no risk, after all. By the time the mob wants the money back, Hogan will be long gone in the Rapture. But there's one little flaw in Hogan's plan--- the Rapture doesn't happen on schedule. This book shows that Christian fiction doesn't have to be solemn, but can have a sense of humor. The publishers, Harvest House, show that they have a sense of humor by releasing the book on April 1.On a more serious side, the book may be seen as a critique of the 'date-setter' school of Bible prophecy teachers. Throughout history, a number of dates have been declared to be the date of the End of the World--- 1841 and 1988 among them. When the dates pass by with no apocalypse, the True Believers end up having a crisis of faith. The Bible says that no man knows the day or hour of Christ's return. But that doesn't stop some from trying.
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