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What Dreams Reveal
(Maria Clara Heise)

For years dreams have been studied as an attempt to unveil its mysteries and enigmas. Are they really a message delivery tool used by the unconscious or just the brain cleaning its archives filled with information gathered during a day of unstop neurons connections through delirious images? The mind becomes clinicaly insane when we dream. We are not aware of how odd it is to be lying in a bed hallucinating about impossible situations, not understanding what is happening, and still, emotionaly reacting to these events, as if they were real. Dreams are the proof that insanity is in all of us. Do we Dream to remember or to forget? The answer is linked to recent discoveries about REM ( rapid eye movement ) sleep and its biological function. We dream at night, on the deep sleep phase, while the soft EEG waves induce our body to a hormon free rest, and during the REM sleep, with its high EGG waves, and our nervous system highly active, despite the relaxing state of our muscles. The REM brain circuits happen from 4 to 6 times during the night, causing irregular breathing, increase on the heart beats and physiological activity - man can have erections. Dreams that occur during the REm phase tend to be bizzare and detailed, much more emotional and easily remembered than the oneson our deep sleep phase. During REM, we are sort of paralyzed from the neck down, witch avoids and limits phisycal action in response to the dreams hallucinations. Freud says, dreams are the liberation of restrained unconscious messages that warn us about internal proceedings we keep inside ourselves. Nowadays, schollars give a softer interpretation, saying that dreams are in fact images recorded in our memories, not necessarily unconscious or restrained, but much more linked to everyday activity and facts that we store in a disconnected way. It seems that the porpuse of dreams is to organize our cerebral archive, cleaning the excess unecessary information and helping constitute emotions. Therefore, Freud "still explains" when he says that certain experiences are so strong that we cant constitute feelings about it and we store them in our brains untill its time to deal with them. Dreams bring us indications of these memories. Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, major schollar on the dream process in chicago claims that their porpuse is to soften bad experiences, especially when it comes to depressing feelings, helping us balance our humor. Her studies point that several dream episodes we have during the night might be in sequence, leading our brains to simbolicaly solve or giving in to, step by step, resteless feelings, depending on our internal capability to take care or digest a situation. We can go to bed apprehensive, nervous e wake up calmer, in a good mood, or vice-versa.Milton Kramer, M.D., psychiatry professor on NYU emphasizes that dreams can also repeat themselves, as an atempt by the brain to get rid of the anguish caused by a certain episode in our lives. What its going to determine if the sequence of dreams will be productive or not, is our individual emotional capacity - and the ability to execute the necessary task of relieving this emotion.If the repeating process continuous without an understanding, its important to seek therapeutical help to come out of this paralysing stillness. Continuous sleep during the night is essencial for the manifestations of the REM phase, when we go thru the process described above, constituing and digesting the emotions to improve or not our sense of humor. Nightmares occur when dreams are so overwhelming that they fail to block a physical response in a relaxed sleep and we are forced to wake up as a defense mechanism to a situation that is out of hand. This means that the emotional bagage is so high that the counterbalance mechanism in our egos can't stand it. If we could understand the meaning of a nightmare, the level of tension would certainly be reduced. Dreams varies from person to person, and they are as individual asfinger prints, reinforcing the idea that everyday events are symbolized at night, when we sleep. Therefore, the meanig of symbols cannot be universal, since facts and objects have a different representation for each person. When we can understand meanings and realize the meaning of our dreams, we certainly benefit. Dreams are the theather of our emotions where we represent our daily dramas kept for the continuance. The folow an order, reflect important aspects of our personality. The way we live and dream are connected, disclosing choices that determine our well being during the day. If we are aware of our desires and frustrations, we are going to sleep and dream better, being able to put back the necessary energy for our everyday wear and tear.

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