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Increasing Terrorism
(jayant jhawar)

Now a day the danger of terrorism is increasing day by day on us. The people are afraid of coming out of there houses as they as they are not the next person to get killed by the terrorist. As we know about the continues blast in Bombay there was seven blasts in 11 minutes which we can call as 7:11 many people died in that blast. The terrorist are having more sophisticated weapons what we don?t have. The main reason is the money many people have got corrupted because of this money because of which some people sell weapons to the terrorist.There is another reason for this terrorism is the film industry that?s what I think because they find different ideas for there film publicity example fanaa and many more but they doesn?t know might this idea being used by the terrorist .Everyday we don?t get any other news but we always hear this that 10 people have killed in this people 20 people were killed by there terrorist in this till terrorist gives us 20 like this news than we get 1 news that police got 4 terrorist with some weapons. We all know about the world trade centre blast they did in such a good manner that no body knew that they will do I this manner.Osama bin laden who is the biggest terrorist of the whole world, no body knows where he live or where does he staying but still they are going attacking us. There are 1000 or lakhs Of people being killed by the terrorist and we are not able to catch them. Which is leading to terrorism.

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