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The Thousand And One Nights
(Mamede Mustafa Jarouche)

It is the first time that the histories of the thousand and one nights appear in Portuguese language with direct translation of Arabic. Before we counted with the translation of the French version, signed by Antoine Galland, through Alberto Diniz's hands. Although it has been important for the Indian reader to take contact with that great classic of the oriental literature, it was always known that the work was not of all faithful. Did they lack the pornographic anecdotes, the obscene climate (or do you think the sultan was only hearing the histories of Cheherazade?) what will leave the turban reader in foot. If in the process of translation of a language for other the content is going losing peculiarities, imagine a translation the starting from other translation! He/she went thinking about that that Mamede Mustafa Jarouche, teacher of Arabic of the University of São Paulo, united to Publisher Globo, decided to undertake the glorious and Minimalist mission of turning possible to the Brazilian reader to savor without restrictions all of the delicacies of Middle East, that space of the histories of sailor Simbá to the already so known Aladim and his wonderful lamp (that puts him in serious elegances), going by the forty thieves and There-dribble and still the sultan's adventures that he disguises and he will see what happens in Baghdad when he is not looking (some presidents should make that...), the Picturesque Harum al Rachid. Could still mention a so much of other histories and interesting characters, but this review they would not make justice in the restricted space. Who read "A hundred years of solitude" of the Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez should know that the largest inspiration source than it took him to write the book was the contact with the history of the thousand and one nights. It was not at random that G.G. Marquez billed NOBEL with that book, the legends and myths of such fascinating East has that inspiring university even: it is impossible to read them and not to be more enriched to the end of the last page. Is it as if own Cheherazade was there, narrating the histories to the foot of his bed, and won't you leave her alone, does it go?...

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