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Fast Writing

FAST WRITINGVery fast ? 14 days to write a book!Too busy? You can still do it. There are things you should know eg. Information. Forget what people say?impossible?, ?would take years?. Don?t be put off. The technique is very unique. You should know about it. Even professionals should know about it. People are making money from their writing and so can you with whatever you write, books, books of short stories, reports, asignments. Some people think succeeding is just chance, or you must have talent. Rubbish! If are not talented you won?t be struggling to make everything just right. Creativity? No, you don?t need that either. Many published authors are not creative. If you are always busy, so what! Everyone can find five minutes.If you can talk, you can write. What about an agent? You can find one. Say you write a book of great interest to the general public. You?re interviewed by the media ? radio, TV, newspapers. Now your business starts to skyrocket. You are seen as that author on telly. Writing could even lead you onto a different course. You might turn to fiction, romance or the ?who-done-it?, the writing you enjoy reading. Write daily. Make an outline which tells you what?s happening on each page. Write the outline in form of questions. Keep writing the answers to your questions til the end.Make a time to write and stick to it. Don?t research until the book is completed. Choose a topic that is quite familiar to you. If you don?t know enough about it, do some research. Look for popular topics on Google. Check the ads on Google search results. It means what?s advertised is popular If you write fiction but are unsure of the genre, go to a second-hand book store. Find a book whichhas ?Best Seller? printed inside it. Now you know it sold thousands of copies, a ripper!Buy the book, read it, and jot down the plot as best you can. Change every plot item ? time, place, character, mood, something discovered. Makea romance a science fiction, a western a musical, if men and women make them animals, ancient creatures, angels, etc. If set in the past set it in the future.Now, you?ve nearly finished your book and want an agent.The agent will want the outline and also a couple of chapters to assess your writing. Go to the local bookstore and find books written in the same genre as yours. Find the publisher?s name and his location. Call the publisher. Find the area codes and call information. Ask in whichcities are the publishing houses. Also look for them on the Internet. Tell the publisher you are seeking the person who has therights to the book. If he queries ?why?? you can saythe book would make a good movie or video, whatever. Whoever has the rights will usually be the author?s agent, and he will also have the author?s contactnumber. Send the agent(s) a very convincing letter, saying why you think your book would be a good seller.Whether it would be a good seller is all that agents want to know.Start working on your next book and find a few more agents. When Send out about 20 t0 30 letters, then stop. Don?t worry if they don?t respond. It was probably not what they wanted to fund, or perhaps not quite good enough in some way. Do a few rewrites and send it to other agents, or even the same ones. You can even fax the letter. You can do it. Good Luck 

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