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An Equal Music
(Vikram Seth)

An Equal Music deals with passionate love woven around the black hole of music, music, and more music. Such passionate love willing to go to the depths of the universe, indeed, sacrificing one's life for just a glimpse or more aptly from this book, an interlude with it. Not only for music lovers, this book is for lovers, for thinkers, for philosophers, indeed for all alike. We become aware of that fantastic, realm of the musical world, taking the mind to a different plane altogether in it's inimitable sensuos and delicate style. The pleasure of music, the pleasure of dedicating one's life to music, stories how problems and distances fade away with just a little music-making, of Tononi violins, pianos, cellos and harps. Of harmony binding the protagonists. Of the chief protagonist Michael's musical world, his one and only love, which he seeks and eventually gets only to go on a roller-coaster again searching for it. It tells of Julia, Michael's love, his partner in this life heart and soul, boung together by music and melody. Alas, separated. The causes involving a silly argument, and then all blockade of communication due to a selfish father(Julia's) and then reunition in London ten years later, but she is married! Yet then their love continues despite it's social obstacle and Julia's hearing predicament. It tells of Michael's quartet, it's eccentric and talented members, his life and blood, how he eventually quits, it tells of his parents, his struggle, his insecurity over his violin being taken back it's lender, his final meeting with Julia, and the list can go on and on. A beautiful and touching story. Simply for everyone to read. A story spread across Vienna, London and finally Italy and back to London again. A love story on the backdrop of Schubert, Mozart, Beethoven,! What a fantastic treat.
Indeed, a heart rending version of the protagonist. This book cements Seth's position in the literary world and leaves one amazed at the vivacity and tender touch in him. And if I may say, such a story has never been written in the world. A must read as the reader's mind fills with a gamut and variety of fantastic emotions after reading ..........experience it for yourself.

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