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(Robert Kummitz)

My mother was Navaho. Born to the deer stream people for the flat rock clan. She told me many stories, some about the moon. One night, after one of her favorites, the one where the moon gets eaten by a bear, she stopped. Reaching in her pocket she pulled out a stone and gave it me. "One night when I was a young girl" she started "I was bathing in a near by stream of my village. The moon was full". Fear glimpse in her eyes, as she to a breath. "Noises came from the forest and a great wolf came to me. It stood before me with hunger in its eyes. As I stood there in fear, knowing that in moments that I would be devoured by the beast. Knowing that I would die soon I started to sing and the great moon cried. From the sky it just fell" she said. "It was a gift from the Moon and it scared the great wolf away". But why are you giving me your stone, I asked. "Because my child" she said "The great wolf might come for you one day". It is said in folklore and mythology is a person who shape shifts into a wolf, either purposely, by using magic, or after being placed under a curse is classed as a werewolf. The medieval chronicler Gervase of Tilbury associated the transformation with the appearance of the full moon, but this concept was rarely associated with the werewolf until the idea was picked up by modern fiction writers. Most modern fiction agrees that a werewolf can be killed if shot by a silver bullet, although this was not a feature of folk legends. But what if this is idea that was passed down from generation to generation is all wrong. What happen then? Do we still continue with the belief, never searching for the truth. Or will the truth seek us out and find us.There are to many people that want to live in oblivion, never wanting to know what can happen around them. Unwilling to see what can be in stored for them. They live in constant fear that their world come face to face with the cruel reality and they will have to endure the pain and sorrow that follow it. We know that man does not understand how all things are connected. That whatever happen to them, happens to him. The Sun and Moon, Earth and the sky, life and death. But for some there is no death, only a change of worlds.I knowfor me, things have yet to come and I have many things to still learn. Of this stone, of the Great Wolf that is to haunt me and what I am still destine for.

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