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Oedipus The King

Theban Legend has two Greek tragedies caused by the God. One is the ?House of Cadmus? and the other is ?House of Atreus?. ?Oedipus the King? written by Sophocles comes under the Legend of ?House of Cadmus?. Laius, the son of Labdacos kidnapped Chrysippus, son of Amphion, thus bringing curse on his family. After the death of Amphion and Zethus, Laiusrecovered the kingdom and married Jocasta. He was warned by Apollo that their son would kill him and will marry his own mother. So, when Oedipus was born, a spike was driven through the child?s feet and was handed over to a faithful servant. Instead of abandoning the child on Mount Cithaeron as per the King?s order, the servant gave the child to a Corinthian Shepherd. The shepherd gives the child to the King of Corinth, who was childless. QueenMerope named the child Oedipus( swollen feet ) and brought him up as the prince of Corinth. Oedipus, on hearing rumors that he is destined to kill his father and marry his Mother, leaves the kingdom and goes away. Laius and Oedipus encounter each other atDelphi and both of them being hot tempered fight fiercely. Oedipus kills his own father, Thus the first part of the curse is acted out. Later Oedipus reaches the gate of Thebes where he is stopped by the Sphinx- a monster. He answers the riddle put forth by the Sphinx and the monster runs away from the place. People acclaim Oedipus as their kingAnd he marries the widowed queen, Jocasta without knowing that she was his own Mother. Thus the curse comes true and Oedipus after becoming aware of the truth blinds Himself. Jocasta commits suicide. Oedipus is humiliated by his own people and leaves his kingdom. At last he reaches Colonus, near Athens and the King Theseus grants him sanctuary. He is looked after by his faithful daughter Antigone till his death, which was kept a secret. Oedipus? kingdom breaks down. His sons fight each other and the entire family is destroyed. Aristotle has appreciated Sophocles? ?Oedipus, the King? as the best example to explain the definition of Tragedy.------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------Abstractby: J Prabha

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