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Harry Potter 1

This is a book originally written for kids but I give guarranty that even if an old man of age 70 to 80 years reads it,he will enjoy it.The book tells a story of a boy named Harry Potter whos parents were magicians.They were killed by Woldemort who was the person who had desire to become great magician by either way.But in his path Harry's parents were creating a blockage Because they were great magicians of Hogwarts University-specil University which teaches magic.
During the book Harry who gets an admission into Hogwarts makes friendship with two friends named Harmaine & Ron.
All these three friends save the Precious Stone from Woldemort.Actually Woldemort trys to steal that stone because that stone had a property due to which one be alive forever.
But due to Harry he fails to do so.
Really this book is best for reading.Anyone can read it yes anyone from 10 to 100 years old.

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And The Philosoher's (sorcerer's) Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosoper's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosoper''s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

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