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Book Of Zechariah
(Prophet Zechariah, God, (Ann Patterson))


Book of Zechariah Zechariah lived while Jerusalem was being rebuilt. He was a priest who mourned the destruction of the temple while the Jews were in exile. Tens of thousands had returned and worked together to rebuild Jerusalem but they became discouraged because many events continued to destroy their efforts by governments. For 14 years they had tried to build it because the temple was the center of their faith and they seemed to care more about the temple that God. Zechariah, both priest and prophet, grieved over their turning from faith in God. He began his message to the people of God by telling them that must return to God and turn from their evil ways and deeds for their actions had shown disregard for God, themselves and their neighbors. In a vision, he saw horses that were red, sorrel and white and a man with them. He prayed and asked The Lord of heaven and earth what they were. While God answered his many questions, he saw many other visions which were also explained. The messages he received were actually prophecies of the Messiah who would come with compassion to rebuild the temples and bear the honor of sitting on His throne as a priest, and the council of peace. After that, God said, He would build the temple of God, and that the things would come to pass if the people, the Jews/Israelites who had returned to Jerusalem, turned back to God. Instead, the people rebelled against and He scattered them throughout all the nations, even those that they had never heard of. (This is still true in the 21st century.) God added that then He would bring His people, according to their trust and obedience, back to Jerusalem and bless them and there would be peace for them and their descendants. He explained the many things that provoked them and said that when they rejoiced in Him that they would return to Jerusalem from all cities and that even some of those who wee not His people would leave their homes to go to Jerusalem also. In Chapter 11, the prophet seems to be prophesying the payment of 30 shekels of silver which are then given to the poor. And God says that He will raise up a shepherd in the land but he ads that the shepherd will not care for the sick and others---that he will have a withered hand, be blind in one eye and will carry a sword. Further, in Chapter 12, God, the Lord, says that He will watch over the house of Judah, apparently meaning not only Jerusalem but also Judah and He says that He will watch over the house of Judah (clans). He says that other nations will be against Jerusalem who will be as a heavy stone that they cannot break. The final Chapter (14) that God will be over all the earth be the only One and His name the only one. And, that Jerusalem will rise, be rebuilt and expand over a great size and that the people who live in Jerusalem will dwell in security Verse 12 says that there will be war and destruction on all the people who have gone to war against Jerusalem. He ads that at a time those who war against Jerusalem will go then to worship in Jerusalem. He even prophesies that Egypt will be plagued and punished. He ends the Book of Zechariah, the prophet and priest, that inscriptions will be inscribed with words of the holiness of God.

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