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The Giving Tree
(Shel Silverstein, (Ann Patterson))

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, an African American novelist.This is a thin book with few words and lovely illustration that is often seen and read as if a children?s book. But is much more than that for it is an allegory that teaches adults of all ages about the value of the environment to each person on the earth. There was a little boy who was lively and had fun whether with other children or alone. And, there was a tree that watched the little boy play and have joy in his life. He would use the leaves and put them on his head like a king?s crown. The tree loved the boy. He often played under the tree. In the spring he watched the leaves bud then become green leaves. He would pick the green leaves and throw them to the wind. In the f all he gathered leaves of brown, gold, orange and threw them to and fro. He would pile the leaves and jump onto the pile and laugh as they seem to smother him when he crawled underneath. The tree was happy when the boys climbed her branches and picked the beautiful red apples. When he was tired, he slept in the shade of the tree. The boy grew older and seldom returned to the tree. The tree missed him. Eventually, the boy came to the tree that he had loved so much in his earlier years. The tree asked him to climb and eat the apples and swing from the branches. But he said he was too old and big. He told the tree that he liked to buy things and asked the tree if it had some money. The tree told him that she had no money but that the boy could take the apples and sell them to have money. The boy did and was grateful. The boy was gone for a very long time and when he returned to the tree, the tree asked him to climb and swing from the branches. But the boy said that I was too old and had a family and wanted to build a house. The tree told him to cut off my branches and build a house and I will be happy. The boy did that and was thankful for the gift of the tree. After a very long time, the boy returned and the tree invited him to climb and play. But, the boy said that he was getting old and wanted to travel by truck or boat or car. The tree told him to take the trunk of the tree and build a boat so he could travel. He did that and left only the stump. The tree loved the boy and the boy was grateful to the tree. The boy stayed away very long and the tree missed him. Then one day the boy returned and the tree invited him to play even though there were neither leaves nor apples. The boy said that he could not because he was old and tired. The tree then invited him to sit on the stump and rest. The boy sat on the stump and rested. And, the tree was happy.?????????????????????????????????.Shel Silverstein also wrote similar books: Lafcadio, the Lin Who Shot Back.: The Missing Piece, and Where the Sidewalk Ends.

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