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Angels And Demons
(Dan Brown)

Angles and Demons is the second book I read by Dan Brown. I have read all of his books and I really do find them to be fun entertaining thrillers. Angles and Demons was Dan Browns first book and also the first to use the character of Robert Langdon. Like his other novels this one is no exception to a tense plot and lots and lots of action. The only thing different about this one is that there is more of a scientific angle. It used similar plot devices as his later novels but it is still fun and entertaining as always.

Angles and Demons starts with Robert receiving a phone call from Maximillian Kohler. Maximillan informed Robert that he had to check out a dead body. When Robert finally got there he saw that the body had an Illuminati brand on him. Robert was a symbolist and that deeply intrigued him. Apparently the Illuminati was thought to be an extinct secret organization but there were still going. The dead man was Leonardo Vettra who was a scientist; he had a daughter named Vittora. She was a scientist as well, she and her dad were working on an experiment when she saw it disappeared. When Robert arrived at the scene he and Vittora had to go to Vatican City to retrieve the experiment held a great power. While in Vatican City they had to evade the assassin that killed Leonardo.

This book was really well written and full of original ideas. Despite being a lot of similarities to the Da Vinci code, this was his first book and everything in it was new and fresh. The plot is fast paced and not even the science talks slow it down. The secret society in this book was interesting and connected it to reality. Most characters throughout the book were good but the main focus was on Robert and Vettra. One of the flaws in the book was the lack of character development. The two main characters don?t really get developed and pretty much stay the same throughout the novel. The side characters didn?t even have enough time to become devolved. The other flaw was the bad guy. Sure the assassin was interesting but he didn?t really have much depth to him and felt like he wasn?t used to his fullest potential.

If you put away the flaws then you have a really good book. It?s well written and will really keep your attention. Although it is 569 pages long it goes by fast and you never think it is too long. The plot is in depth and well thought out. It uses many explanations and because of that, the novel feels much more believable. Like his other novels, this one takes place in Europe. Vatican City was an interesting location and it did seem like a fun background for the story. It also made sense since the novel had to do with the church. Also like Dan Browns other novels this one has two stories at once. There?s one with Maximillan and one with Robert Langdon. Roberts and Vettra?s are a bit more interesting but luckily most of the novel focuses on them.

All in all I did enjoy this novel quite a bit. It had many nice visuals and I could easily see this becoming a movie. It was about on par with the Da Vinci code as it had many similar plot devices. Although the characters aren?t really developed and the villain is undeniably weak, it is still a fun and entertaining novel. The plot is tense throughout and it really does a good job of holding your attention. It is a fun fast read and I highly recommend this book.

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- Angels And Demons

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