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(Bram Stoker)

One of the two ?original? gothic novels (the other being Frankenstein by Mary Wollenstonecroft-Shelly) Dracula concerns itself with the Count Dracula an ancient vampire who has decided to move from his ancestral home in the Carpathian Mountains to gaslight England. His motive is simple unadulterated bad guy logic, subjugate humanity and make a master race of vampires. It?s Jonathan Harker, who?s been sent from England to help who first notices something is not right. Once Dracula gets to England vampire hell breaks loose. He starts making enemies and vampires of his enemy?s girlfriends and wives. In classic gothic novel style, the good guys rally, stake Mina Harker, one of their own, in a great eerie scene, drive Dracula out of England and at the very last possible moment drive a stake through his heart as he makes his way home.Written at the dawn of the scientific analysis of medicine, psychological pathology and philosophy, this novel is the origin of many literary archetypes still in vogue today. There?s Van Helsing who fights superstition with scientific rationalism and Renfield the awesome bad guy side kick who decides that if he feeds flies to spiders and spiders to birds and birds to cats and cats to a dog, he can consume the life force of all of those creatures by eating the dog.Some of the imagery in quite nice and creepy, the scene with the dead man tied to the tiller of the boat that brings Dracula to England gives me a shiver. The language is not to dated but Stoker was Irish and wrote with a certain British formalism that can seem stuffy and slow. It can also be frustrating because much of the narrative is replaced by letters Written back and forth between the main characters. Archaic but cute.

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- Dracula

- Dracula

- Dracula

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