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The Secret Life Of Bees

The Secret Life of Bees is a story set in South Carolina in 1964. It is the story of Lily Owens whose life has been shaped around a vague memory of when her mother was killed, and her search forher.She finds it in a totally unexpected place. When Lily's adopted dignified strong black mother, Rosaleen, sends three white supremacist racist to hell, they were jailed andLily decides to free them from jail and together they escapedto Tiburon, South Carolina, a town that holds her mother's secretpast. She met with three black beekeeping sisters who took them in and Lily is introduced to their hypnotizing world of bees and honey and their Black Madonna. This is astorywomen will find powerful and will share with their daughters. A tale of a daughter's discovery of love and a family and what it means. One will also be mesmerized by the description of beekeeping.

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- Dance With A Poor Man''s Daughter

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


